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Graphics by
 yahoo id name's or just names for some of my friends that are in the usa
 delia Tilacaan
 jescell dela roma
 Jescell dela Roma
 ivy omongos
 christian vincent veloso
 friend Family
 Shirley & Aida
 Shirley is a DR for win your back is not doing good for you
 betha and Scott
 betha some time works for her sis Shirley by chating on the phone and doing the pc
 my friend Family

 norm is my b friend he know so much about cars but he don't like to work he like to get pay for seting on his ass by doing no work at all


 norms got m to l on sunday/15/09  and he had a good time so look for some new pics of it


 star likes to bit me up win i go to to my friend home and she is



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